Board Committees
Risk Management

Claims Committee

  • Five Board of Directors sit on the Board 
  • Meets every other month to review claims to report to the Board of Directors
  • Ensures incidents and claims are correctly reported
  • Established incident reporting procedure and claim reporting procedures
  • Monitors and works closely with our TPA-Claims Administrator, Sedgwick Claims Management Services, Inc. who facilitates
  • File Establishment
  • Reporting
  • Reserves
  • Claims Handling
  • Litigation Management
  • Claims Paying
  • Data Collection/Risk Management

Underwriting Committee

  • Three Board of Directors and one officer sits on the Board
  • Underwriting manual
  • Meets periodically as required
  • Qualification for physicians to join the program
  • Rating methodology
  • Approval/denial process and documents
  • Appeal process
  • Review market forms
  • Approval of the application

Investment Committee

  • Monitor the money market fund
  • Monitors the Trust Fund assets in our investment portfolio and the performance of our Investment Managers 
  • Assures compliance with Insurance Commission investment regulations

Audit Committee

The Audit Committee serves to strengthen the Company by assuring that Management adheres to generally accepted accounting practices in maintaining the accounting books and records of the Company.  It selects the external independent auditor who prepares the financial statements, tax returns and regulatory reports of the Company on a periodic basis.  It receives the Report of the Auditors, including the Auditor’s Management Letter outlining any internal control matters that need attention.  Members of the Committee will convene periodic meetings with Management to review and approve policies pertaining to accounting, risk management and finance.  At least three members of the Board, all of whom shall be independent members, make up the membership of the Audit Committee.  One independent Director shall serve as its Chairperson.  The Audit Committee shall be provided staff support by the Executive Vice President/CEO.

All Insured’s are required to participate in the Company’s risk management education program. If an Insured fails to complete the program on a biennial basis, then such Insured will be assessed a 10% Premium Surcharge to such Insured’s Base Premium for the following year. If such Insured fails to complete the risk management program during the next two year period, the Insured’s policy will be canceled by the Company and such Insured’s Common Shares will be repurchased by the Company.

  • Review and schedule “Risk Management” presentations

Board of Directors