Fort Wayne Medical Surety Company, Risk Retention Group is a captive insurance company organized under the laws of the State of Arizona and operating under the Federal Risk Retention Act. The Company primarily provides full limits professional liability insurance to such practicing physicians, licensed to practice in Indiana, who have become Shareholders and Insureds of the Company. The Company also provides directors and officer's liability insurance on a limited basis to the directors and officers of the Company.
Are you interested in controlling your medical malpractice insurance experience and paying premiums to yourself instead of a major corporation? Each subscriber of the Company's Offered Common Shares, who must also become an Insured, must subscribe for the number of Offered Common Shares corresponding to the risk class to which he or she as a physician is assigned.
Each subscriber of the Company's Offered Common Shares may subscribe to purchase additional shares of the Offered Common Shares; however, at no time may any Insured own more than 5% of the currently outstanding authorized Common Shares of the Company.